Twice a week, the Power Team coaches of RRI meet via phone conference. On today's call, our boss announced a 90 day challenge contest. We have four categories: physical transformation, business transformation, financial transformation and bucket list transformation. I am so excited! I work with an absolutely amazing group of people, and it's going to be so much fun to see what everyone does with this challenge to step up to the next level, beginning May 1!
What could you do with your life in 90 days? Could you pay get out of debt? Lose 30 pounds? Learn a new language? Do something you've always wanted to do, but been a little afraid of? What would happen if you decided to be bold, declare your intention, and make it happen in the next 90 days? Go for it! I'm going to!
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Suzie ConineBoard certified executive coach, mentor and life strategist. Topics
January 2019
"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
--Norman Vincent Peale |